Explore the Taxonomic Tree

Explore the Taxonomic Tree

Florida Bully

Everglades bully is a 3 to 6-foot thorny perennial shrub with one to several stems and clusters of small white flowers. The shrub is native to Miami-Dade County and only grows in pine rocklands.
Common Name
Florida bully
Everglades bully
FWS Focus

Explore Branches

The table below is a high-level overview of the subsequent branches of this taxon, organized by taxonomic level and further subdivided by items that FWS focuses on, either through a regulatory or other capacity. You can change your list view by selecting an option from the overview table:

  • To view all branches of a respective taxonomic level, see the Taxa column.
  • To further filter your view of branches that FWS focuses on, see the FWS Focus column.
  • By default, the list view will always show the child branches of the current taxon.

Branches of Sideroxylon reclinatum ssp. austrofloridense

Taxonomic LevelTaxaFWS Focus
All Subtaxa00

Location in Taxonomic Tree

Viewing: descendants of Sideroxylon reclinatum ssp. austrofloridense